ALAK a.c.

The biodiversity and unique ecosystem of the Bacalar Lagoon in Quintana Roo is a major source of inspiration due to its fragility and importance, both historical and biological.

  • environmental and social entrepreneurship

    Promoting environmental awareness, protection and restoration of the Bacalar lagoon ecosystem through education and concrete actions.

  • Synergies

    We teamed up with other environmental associations to provide active service

  • Educational workshops

    We distribute informational material and give talks to schools and other forums.

  • Conferences

    We participate in events with other associations to promote sustainable practices and education.

  • volunteering programs

    We create programs for anyone to join us in activities that involve cleaning and maintining the lake in good conditions.

  • Recycling

    We provide a service that collects recyclables in businesses all over the boulevard and in town.


mangrove reforestation.

Recycling & Composting.

stromatolites buoying .

Past Events


Custom monthly contribution

Volunteer with us