What 2 Know.

Tips to help you practice RESPONSIBLE TOURISM

do your part to preserve the beautiful and fragile Bacalar Lagoon ecosystem.

  • Mangroves.

    Do not touch, cut or anchor in them. They actively participate in the balance of the fragile ecosystem. Avoid making noise and loud music close to them, live harmoniously respecting the bird that live in them, specially in the protected zones. Don't cross them or tie up to them.

  • Stromatolites.

    Do not touch, step or sit on them. Stromatolites - living stones were the first evidence of life on Earth. They are microbial reefs created by cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae). You can find them in the shallow water and on the shores of cenotes. Their surface produce oxygen and capture CO2 through photosynthesis..

  • Water.

    Chose eco-friendly activities like sailboats, kayak or paddle board instead of motorboat tours, if you must, verify that they are licensed and don't have oils spills. Use biodegradable sunscreens and skin products when you swim in the lagoon or protect yourself with swimming clothes. Please do not leave toxic residues of ash or cigarette butts.

Wednesday is navigation free

Take in consideration that on Wednesdays all boats are restricted from operating tours. If your're visiting Bacalar for one day and plan to get on a boat tour try to schedule in advance and keep in mind that there are no boats on Wednesdays.

This is in order to maintain the fragile water ecosystem.

Participate in sustainable activities for bacalar

Monitor the water's health

Recicle and be a water guardian